The 23 Project

List timeline

This is a working timeline - who knows when I'll accomplish everything?!

November 2011
5. Skydive
3. Go on 23 dates in 23 hours
December 2011
6. Make Chocolate Chip cookies from scratch
16. See NYC at Christmastime
18. Kiss under the mistletoe
January 2012
8. Watch all the Star Wars movies
9. Try Absinthe
February 2012
22. Eat at a fancy restaurant by myself
March 2012
7. Read a Jane Austen novel 
April 2012
1. Run a half-marathon
4. Audition and perform in a musical
May 2012
June 2012
10. Go noodling
July 2012
11. See the Grand Canyon
August 2012
2. Attend Burning Man
September 2012
20. Be "unplugged" for a weekend
October 2012

9. Try Absinthe
12. Crowd surf
13. Sleep under the stars
14. Become a "regular" somewhere
15. Milk a cow
17. Learn to drive a stick shift
19. Return someone's lost dog to them
21. Throw my shoes over a telephone line
23. Memorize all the state captials